Throw the water bottle under the bed, air hostess told a tip for staying in a hotel, important for everyone to know!

Throw the water bottle under the bed, air hostess told a tip for staying in a hotel, important for everyone to know!

Nowadays everyone stays in a hotel. Whether you have to go to another city for office work or travel for sightseeing, a hotel is the best place to stay. But sometimes due to a little carelessness we get into trouble. An air hostess (Air Hostess Travel Hacks) has recently shared some such tips, which if followed by those staying in a hotel, they will be able to avoid getting into trouble. It is important for every traveler to know about this

According to the New York Post report, Esther Sturrus, a flight attendant working for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, has shared a travel security hack. She said, for this, you should only have a bottle of water in your hand. Whenever you go to the hotel room, first of all throw this bottle of water forcefully under your bed. If someone is hiding under the bed, you will know immediately. As soon as the water bottle hits him, he will scream and run away. If you want, you can also do this with toiletries or beverage containers.

Is there an intruder under the bed?
Esther Sturrus said, it has been seen many times that an intruder hides under your bed. Later he can also attack you. He can make a video of you, or can run away with your belongings. This solution is very useful for such times. Even if there is a snake or something, it will come out. This is very important for your safety. You do not need to look under the bed. The most important thing is that it does not cost any money.

If the room’s door isn’t closed…
Some social media users praised this hack, but many people called it crazy. One asked, how many times have you found an intruder under your bed? This seems crazy. Another wrote, this is a good method. What is the harm in doing this. Even if there is something like a rat, it will come out. Earlier, Sturrus had shared another video on TikTok. In which he told that if the door of the room is not closed, then it can be closed by tying it to the hanger with a pant clip.

Tags: Amazing news, The news has hit the, Weird news

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